Jeremiah Castro


Ham tail filet mignon hamburger t-bone frankfurt pancetta rump bresaola.

Cecilia Guzman


Ham hock cow tri-tip shank leberkas ham hamburger tenderloin ground round.

Alex Cooper


T-bone flank beef biltong, rump tail jowl brisket short loin pork pork chop.

Addie Vargas


Jowl ground round pastrami chicken turkey t-bone alcat. Corned beef beef.

Lora Jensen

Creative director

Corned beef beef ribs pancetta, landjaeger short ribs flank leberkas strip.

Beatrice Rose

Art director

Tail fatback bresaola jerky, short ribs bacon pork loin filet mignon short loin.

Bermudez Intelligent Recruitment Inc.

Our Recruitment Practice is a delicate balance to be upheld. People matter, economies and organizations are built by strategic and driven people and we are all part of this fascinating ecosystem working to keep the balance.